Saturday, August 30, 2008

Robert Bresson Film Posters

L'argent (Money) (1983)

Le diable probablement (The Devil Probably) (1977)

designer - Raymond Savignac

Lancelot du Lac (Lancelot of the Lake) (1974)

designer - Raymond Savignac

Quatre nuits d'un rêveur (Four Nights of a Dreamer) (1971)

Une femme douce (A Gentle Woman) (1969)

designer - Raymond Savignac

designer - Neugebauer Jacek

Procès de Jeanne d'Arc (The Trial of Joan of Arc) (1962)

Pickpocket (1959)

designer - Hibner Maciej

Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut (A Man Escaped) (1956)

designer - Craig Fischer

Journal d'un curé de campagne (Diary of a Country Priest) (1951)

designer - Paul Colin

designer - Manfredo Tafuri

Les dames du Bois de Boulogne (The Ladies of the Bois de Boulogne) (1945)

Les Anges du péché (Angels of the Streets) (1943)


Martin Klasch said...

Very nice. Thank you.

madmouth said...

wow, he covered a lot of ground--I see Polish, French, English and Serbo-Croatian films here

Unknown said...

the A Genle Woman poster is fucking amazing

Alvaro said...

I have the Four Nights of a Dreamer poster...

Anonymous said...

This one is truly looking one of the most exotic collection of the extreme movie posters. And I have really found the most unique and heart throbbing movie posters from this post. It's really awesome. Thanks for sharing.

ggoodrich said...

Raymond Savignac always makes sure that there’s a hanging question left on the people’s head through his posters so that many will be curious enough to watch the movie. These are fantastic movie posters!
Grace|labor posters

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