"The nobility of character is always revealed from the forehead to the nose, by the proportion and symmetry of this part of the face..."

This is the face of the ambitious.

This is the face of the perverse.

This is the face of the hedonist.

This is the face of the distracted.

This is the face of the imposter.

This is the face of the heroic.

This is the face of the prideful.

This is the face of the miserable.

This is the face of the cunning.

This is the face of the considerate.

This is the face of the honest.

This is the face of the cruel.
You can download the entire book at Biblioteca Digital Hispánica from Spain's National Library [link]
(thanks to my lovely girlfriend for translating)
The Imposter is really Ambitious.
Or else the Ambitious is really an Imposter. I'm betting on the latter.
I think these pics are great!
Oh yeah... I stole my profile pic from your blog because I thought it was totally hilarious, I hope you don't mind?
@pwlsax ---> opps! fixed. thanks for letting me know.
@NIKSIXTYEIGHT ---> of course its all fair game.
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