John Swanson's garden. Jim Olson standing in cabbage patch. Farm house in the background, unidentified child in the foreground. ca 1925.

18 women preparing fruit for packing. Six men appear in view, seem to be overseeing operation. ca 1905.

Sacramento Police Department posing in front of the police station with bicycles, includes one bicycle that appears motorized. 1911.

Novelty Wood Works, Burnett & Sons, 13th and B Streets. Shows five men and boy posed with two bicycles in front of the one-story corrugated sided building with taller false. ca 1903.

Huge pile of potatoes being cleaned, put into baskets and sacked. 5 workers are shown along with an unidentified woman. ca 1910.
thats not real
Oh, but I promise you it is real. You can view them at the Sacrament Public Library in person or online --> http://www.sacramentohistory.org
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