Showing posts with label Artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Artists. Show all posts

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Selections from the Intl. Exhibition of Calligraphy

There are already a few posts about from this incredible exhibition, including one by the great BibliOdyssey, but I couldn't help but post a few more.

Ruslan Naiden - Signs list #1 (Paper, ink, pen, 46x46 cm, 1994)
Ruslan Naiden - Signs list #1 (Paper, ink, pen, 46x46 cm, 1994)

Georgy Kozubov - Expromt (Paper, ink, worn brush, pointed pen. 1989)
Georgy Kozubov - Expromt (Paper, ink, worn brush, pointed pen, 1989)

Georgy Kozubov - Schriftomahia ( Digital copy. Original- blotting paper for lithography, watercolor, Сhinese ink, brush, metal pen, 56x46 cm, 1986)
Georgy Kozubov - Schriftomahia (Digital copy. Original- blotting paper for lithography, watercolor, Сhinese ink, brush, metal pen, 56x46 cm, 1986)

Karin BAUER - We will find us (Wir werden uns finden)  (Ink on   handmade paper, 29x21 cm, 2008)
Karin Bauer - We will find us (Wir werden uns finden) (Ink on handmade paper, 29x21 cm, 2008)

Olga Varlamova - From the choir of the Borovichsky Saint-Spirit  cloister (Book sign. Color paper, ink, pointed nib, 8.9x9.05 cm, 2009)
Olga Varlamova - From the choir of the Borovichsky Saint-Spirit cloister (Book sign. Color paper, ink, pointed nib, 8.9x9.05 cm, 2009)

Abdul Baki Abu Bakar - The powerful (Paper & Holbein ink,     Bamboo, 92x60 cm, 2008)
Abdul Baki Abu Bakar - The powerful (Paper & Holbein ink, Bamboo, 92x60 cm, 2008)

Claudio Gil - et&et (Sketchbook spread. Felt marker, 33x23cm,   2006)
Claudio Gil - et&et (Sketchbook spread. Felt marker, 33x23cm, 2006)

Zarkh Ekaterina - Beyond the circle bounds II (Poem ''My city strewed with gold in autumn'') (Paper, ink, pen, 42x60 cm, 2003)
Zarkh Ekaterina - Beyond the circle bounds II (Poem "My city strewed with gold in autumn") (Paper, ink, pen, 42x60 cm, 2003)

Vera Evstafieva - Literature map of the St.-Petersburg (for the  Russia! journal) (Lettering, Adobe Photoshop, 43х28 cm, 2008)
Vera Evstafieva - Literature map of the St. Petersburg (for the Russia! journal) (Lettering, Adobe Photoshop, 43х28 cm, 2008)

Yury Toreev - ''The snow is falling, thus drawing veil up to   horizon…'' ( Arttext after the verse by Nakhakara Tuya) (Paper, pen,   ink, 84x84 cm, 2008.)
Yury Toreev - "The snow is falling, thus drawing veil up to horizon..." (Arttext after the verse by Nakhakara Tuya) (Paper, pen, ink, 84x84 cm, 2008)

Yury Toreev - Coming ( Writing on glass with a rubber brush upon   wet gouache, photoprint from glass by a contact method, scanning,   printer, 84x68 cm, 2003.)
Yury Toreev - Coming (Writing on glass with a rubber brush upon wet gouache, photoprint from glass by a contact method, scanning, printer, 84x68 cm, 2003)

Pavel Semchenko - Sacred melody (Graphic, 61x61 cm)
Pavel Semchenko - Sacred melody (Graphic, 61x61 cm)

All images from the International Exhibition of Calligraphy's website [link]
Russia's National Union of Calligraphers [link]
BibliOdyssey's post from the same exhibition [link]
More calligraphy at BibliOdyssey [link]
A post on the exhibition at 79 Ideas [link]
The Blog Notes: A Calligraphic Journal [link]
Many great calligraphy links at Omniglot [link]

Shahnawaz Alam Ahmed - Poetry by Meer Taqi Meer, a renown poet of   India (Paper, self made ink and bamboo pen, 21х29.7 cm, 2009) c
Shahnawaz Alam Ahmed - Poetry by Meer Taqi Meer, a renown poet of India (Paper, self made ink and bamboo pen, 21х29.7 cm, 2009)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Alvin Lustig miscellany

Beverly Hills High School Commencement (Alvin Lustig, 1942)a
Beverly Hills High School Commencement, 1942

Philately in Europe brochure, by Alvin Lustig, 1939
Philately in Europe brochure, 1939

Incantation, Textile Design 1947
Incantation, Textile Design, 1947 [via] (see it in fabric form at Alki1's flickr ---> [link])

Alvin Lustig christmas card 1938-42
Christmas card, 1940

Typography Manual
Typography Manual, Art Teacher's Association of LA, 1941 [via]

1941 Alvin Lustig LETTERPRESS Self-Promotion broadside
Self-Promotion broadside, 1941

Beverly Hills High School - 23rd commencement (Alvin Lustig,  1940)a
Twenty-Third Commencement - Beverly Hills High School, 1940

Beverly Hills High School - 25th commencement (Alvin Lustig, 1942)
Twenty-Fifth Commencement - Beverly Hills High School, 1942

From These Basic, Standard, Typographic - design by Alvin Lustig
Sheet with typographic shapes, 1939

Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950
Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950

Lustig one-man exhibiton at the A-D Gallery (NY) joints for special install. structure to hold panels for displays
Joints for special install, at the Alvin Lustig exhibition at the A-D Gallery, 1949

Alvin Lustig Office 1951
Alvin Lustig's Office(?), 1951

Photo of Alvin Lustig, 1945
Alvin Lustig, 1945
The fantastic Alvin Lustig website [link]
The Alvin & Elaine Lustig Design flickr pool [link]
Articles & Texticles has a great entry on Mr. Lustig, from which several of the above images are from [link]
More of Lustig's works at the Smithsonian's collection [link]
Great bio and more works at AIGA [link]
More works at Dr. Leslie's project [link]
Books on/of Alvin Lustig's works at worldcat [link]

Charles house - fireplace sculpture, design by Alvin Lustig
*please cite or link when reposting*