Thursday, May 20, 2010

Qué caso tiene

Another big thanks to for Borr who identified Rogelio Naranjo as the artist of much of the work in the last post on Nexos magazine. I went searching for more of Rogelio Naranjo's work and found scans of his 1982 book Qué caso tiene at La Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo's site, where Naranjo studied. Here are some favorites:

Rogelio Naranjo 1

Rogelio Naranjo 70

Rogelio Naranjo 27

Rogelio Naranjo 45

Rogelio Naranjo 59

Rogelio Naranjo 8

Rogelio Naranjo 25

Rogelio Naranjo 29

Rogelio Naranjo 30

Rogelio Naranjo 63

Rogelio Naranjo 40

Rogelio Naranjo 19

Rogelio Naranjo 35

Rogelio Naranjo 67A

Rogelio Naranjo 20

Many more (including some great caricatures) at la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo [link]
Rogelio Naranjo at Wikipedia (en español) [link]
Qué caso tiene at WorldCat [link] at OpenLibrary [link]


Anonymous said...

These are both funny and dark. Especially drawn to the dog with the cubist bark and the several variations on bicycles...

myopia said...

these are amazing...

Galderich said...


Will said...

Super sweet.

Unknown said...

What a fantastic collection of illustrations. This blog is wonderful.

angvou said...

this guy is great-- its like Saul Steinberg, Ben Shahn and Seymour Chwast all rolled together.

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anyjazz said...

A fine post. This one is new to me.

yosephus said...

Reminiscent of Kliban, too.

elvisdead said...

Its like thath QUINO'S Pics

Ellen van de Sande said...

Wow! These are awesome! I love the way he uses patterns and textures.

Le Sot said...

Great great blog.


Laura Ottina said...

Wow, this is a great discovery!

Alex Dukal said...

Amazing artist, but ... -in many ways- how similar to Quino's style! (Quino = Joaquín Salvador Lavado)

Kim Carney said...

I am in love ;)

Adri said...

Thank you so much for sharing. what an inspiration! Seeing such amazing marks makes me wanna spend all day in the studio...oh, but the chores of life get in the way!

thanks again.

Anonymous said...

I can't get over these drawings. They're so incredible, thank you!

Josef Méndez said...

Marivollosas ilustraciones ,me recuerdan a las que hacía Terry Gilliam en Flying circus.


Ah ! Ah ! Ah !


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