18th and 19th century Japanese world maps.
Bankoku sokaizu / Ishikawa-shi Toshiyuki. Hoei 5 [1708]
Oranda shinyaku chikyu zenzu / Hashimoto Naomasa Hakubin. Kansei 8 [1796]
Dai Nihon yochi benran / Giko Yamazaki. Tenpo 5 [1834]
[Oranda Chikyu zenzu : kan] / Tajima Ryukei. [between 1840 and 1868]
Chikyu bankoku sankai yochi zenzu / Sekisui Cho Harutaka [c. 1850]
Shochu bankoku zu / Kudo Tohe, Kaei 6 [1853]
Shintei - chikyu bankoku hozu. Unknown cartographer. Kaei 6 [1853]
Bankoku chikyu zu: zen / Mineta Fuko cho; Hashimoto Gyokuran mo; Murakami Goyu sho [c. 1853]
Bankoku chikyu bunzu : zen / Hashimoto Gyokuran. [between 1856 and 1868]
Sekai zu. Unknown cartographer. [c. 1860]
Shinkoku shochu kokai sekai zenzu / shukuzu Garyuken. Meiji 6 [1873]
Ansha sekai chizu : Higashihankyu no bu Nishihankyu no bu kan / koku Fukutomi Seisui : Fukutomi Seiri. Meiji 7 [1874]
Shinsen bankoku zenzu : zen / Sakai Sutehiko. Meiji 18 [1885]
Kaisei shinpan bankoku meisai zenzu : zen / Maeda Torakichi. Meiji 19 [1886]

Bankoku zenzu : zen / Yoshimura Sentaro. Meiji 21 [1888]
these maps are from
Japanese Historical Maps from the East Asian Library of University of California, Berkeley [
more at University of Texas, Austin's
Historic Maps of Asia [
also see
Japanese Imperial Army Maps Online (in Japanese) [
and Tohoku University Library's Kano collection (in Japanese) [
The most amazing maps. I loved them. Really great.
These are really tremendous aren't they? Well spotted
Notice the island nature of the first map. It seems the cartographer worked from another map, but could hardly conceive of land borders between nations, and "corrected" the map to fit his perception.
are available from Green Cine, many are not available on DVD, some were shown in the US only in film festivals, some I saw only because I lived in France for a time
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