The Face of Impermanence

Images of Impermanence


Vulnerable Points

The Inner Mandala

Chakras and Energy Channels

Chakras and Energy Channels

Topographical Lines of Channels

"Thangkas illustrations of the points of the body associated with bloodletting, moxibustion and minor surgery, differentiated, respectively, by the use of the colors blue, yellow and red."

Bloodletting Channels

Dzogchen Channels

Cranial Physiognomy

Anatomy of Light

Anatomical Grids
some of these illustrations come from the book The Tibetan Art of Healing by Ian A. Baker - worldcat [link] Powell's books [link] - amazon [link]
others (along with many more) are from the American Museum of Natural History's collection "Body & Spirit: Tibetan Medical Paintings" [link]
Romio Shrestha's website [link]
mental! great post. great blog!
OMG I am totally blown away, it says here you have only been online two going on three years. Surely you had a collection ready some-where's else.
I am so jealous of you. I have four websites and blog everyday but mine are for children and they are great!!! (I know but if you don't give yourself praise you don't get much elsewhere.
I love everything, even though I haven't looked at at everything. I really am very , very proud to have been here and met you.
Seligor. AKA Dorothy Milnes-Simm
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